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Declaration on Regional Cooperation of Nature Conservationists

Find here the Code of Ethics and the Agreement on the Cooperation of Nature Conservators.

The participants of the Conference of nature conservationists of the Balkan region “Green Wave 2021” adopt the Declaration on regional cooperation of nature conservationists of the Balkan region as a standard that formalizes the attitudes and principles of cooperation.

It is the duty of the signatories to emphasize and follow the positions and principles contained in the Declaration and to resist pressure to violate these principles.

The Declaration establishes the principles of solidarity of nature conservationists when the public interests of soil, water, air and biodiversity protection are threatened.

All those who wish can support the Declaration and the Code of Ethics by filling out the form.

0 Organization
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0 Individuals
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0 Country
States Parties

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    If you are wondering what can you do?

    Become part of the “Green Wave”, volunteer and join the campaign by filling out the form on the page.

    If not us, who?

    Without our participation, the future of the planet looks bleak. Soil, air and water are being poisoned like there is no tomorrow. What will our children drink? Become part of the change.

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